
10 & 11.06.23

After this year of investigating our emotions and giving them space for anger, fear and grief to bloom collectively without judgment, we’re moving onto JOY. How do we find joy in dreadful times? What is, on the other hand, toxic positivity? How can we collectively cultivate joy? And how do we use it to ignite a fire of change, creativity, and hope?Yessss it is time to celebrate, babes! Our two-day summer programme ends with a memorable Closing party - Claim your JOY.
with Rachaila, Nadim Bahsoun, Sarah Bekambo, Anissa Boujdaini, Laura Nsengiyumva, Sihame Haddioui, La Signare, Timiss x Kassy, Kwiheba, Rita Habib, Julia E. Dyck